This week, we’ll share an article from our monthly resident newsletter, in honor of the four year anniversary of its re-establishment in January of 2012. If you would like to receive it via email (and do not already), or if you have any suggestions, please let us know.
This month, we mark the four-year anniversary of the re-establishment of the St. Anne‘s Resident Newsletter, The Broadcaster. The publication had been produced under the leadership and layout skill of Sr. Rebecca from 1978-81, but had become inactive after the move to our current location.
Late in 2011, at a resident council meeting, it was decided that a
newsletter should be re-instated. A committee was formed. Those volunteering decided to use the name of The Broadcaster rather than choosing a new name for our publication.
I would like to thank all those who have served with me on the committee over these four years:
Antonia Kerl ~ Betty Canavan ~ Cecelia Schreiner ~ Cheryl Nerby ~ Deborah Saunders ~ George Wirsing ~ Jane Carpenter ~ JoAnn Beauchamp
Kathy Lieberg ~ Lori Natoli ~ Mike Dorsher Patty Schildberger
Ron Danielson ~ Scott McLean ~ Susan McLaughlin ~ Tom McLean
~Sr. Christina M. Neumann