Something to brood over…National Chicken Month

At St. Anne’s Guest Home, we have a five-week cycle rotation for our menus. With the course of one cycle, our dietary staff serve chicken over a dozen times, offering Chicken Drummies, Chicken Pattie on a Bun, Breaded Chicken Strips (2x),  Chicken Noodle Soup (2x), Sweet & Sour Chicken, Chicken Salad on Bread, Chicken Fried Steak, Oven Baked Chicken (3x), and Chicken Pot Pie.  This isn’t just during this National Chicken Month, but year-round.

Chicken, according to, is a healthy choice, being low in saturated fat and having beneficial nutrients, including Selenium (which may help against cancer), as well as Vitamins B3 and B6.  According to, chicken is a source of tryptophan, which can almost serve as an anti-depressant.  It also points out that it has a helpful high-protein level.  Furthermore, chicken is a good source of phosphorus.

Another online article, however, brings up concerns regarding the hormones chickens may be given to speed up their growth.  Due to this concern, one may wish to be careful in choosing chicken products.

Nonetheless, chicken definitely has had its role in American culture.  In fact, references over expressions we use that have their origins in this form of poultry, not to mention those referring to their eggs.  Also, there is a “chicken joke,” in which a hand-towel is transformed to look like a butchered chicken, while a little story is told about a devastated farmer.  (If you’d like to see it done, just ask Sr. Christina.)


Thank you for the many kindnesses you showed my mom during her two year stay at St. Anne’s. You were all truly Christ-like toward her.  Your Franciscan way of treating her and all of us family with a generous spirit made for a strong sense that St. Anne’s was truly home. I was impressed by the gentle and caring manner that everyone there shows to clients, staff and visitors alike.  I will be happy to recommend your facility to those in need.

~ Carol (daughter)

* * *

I love living at St. Anne’s! The staff is friendly and cheerful.

They do their jobs in a timely manner and have answered every request I have had.   Everyday activities include bingo and numerous other games, exercise, current events and reading, movies and dances, craft projects, concerts and entertainment…The fun is unlimited! We have both protestant & Catholic services in our beautiful Chapel. Although I love to cook in my kitchenette, the planned meals are a satisfying option.

We can enjoy eating with old friends or making new ones. I’m new to North Dakota and have only lived here for a number of months,

but one resident has lived with St. Anne’s for 52 years. For me, that says it all!   Thank you, St. Anne’s, for welcoming me and making me feel very much at home.

~ Betty (resident)

* * *

I love it here. Everyone is so nice and welcoming.  They are good to me and always treat me with respect. I love my new home and I feel so much better since I moved here.

~ Elsie (resident)

* * *

Thank you for all you do to make [the residents’] lives happy and meaningful each day.

My brother…seems to be very happy living there and has told us how caring all the staff is.

We are so thankful for the care and assistance with daily living you provide for [him].

We pray for everyone at St. Anne’s. Thanks again.

~ Anonymous (resident’s sister)

* * *

St. Anne’s Guest Home is a wonderful facility. We were so grateful to have it available for our mother. If not for St. Anne’s, we would have had to move our mother out of North Dakota, where she has lived her entire life.

Now she is always safe and well cared for. The staff and sisters are kind and considerate and she has activities and social opportunities. The chapel is truly a blessing, since her faith is important to her.  The facility is well-maintained and affordable. We are very grateful for St. Anne’s!

~ Yvonne (daughter)

* * *

When I visit St. Anne’s I see: humility and an attitude of gratitude. I see sacrifice. I see the unseen guest – Christ – living and well…Yes, St. Anne’s is a community where Christ dwells, dwells in the hearts of all there, and there at St. Anne’s – is love.

~ Kathy (friend/visitor)

* * *

In my estimation, St. Anne’s is a very high-quality place in which to live. The nursing staff are not only expertly trained in their field, but are very friendly and easy to get along with. The food here is very good and nutritionally balanced, and also very satisfying. The kitchen/dining room staff does a very good job of preparing meals and are indeed well-trained to do this.

The activities department is very good; they are very friendly and easy to get along with and they provide a lot of fun as well as therapeutic and helpful games. They are to be highly commended The floor staff are also very easy to get along with. I also compliment our maintenance men.

~ Tom (resident)

* * *

…Mom enjoyed her years at St. Anne’s. You all do a very good job. She especially was happy to be where she could go to daily Mass and not have to worry about the weather to get there…

Again, thank you for everything you did for Mom over the years.

~ Kathy (daughter)

* * *

After [my sister’s] recent hospitalization and rehabilitation, I extend my sincere appreciation for the follow-up and communication with various staff members…The communication I have had over the years with staff members has always been most helpful.

The personal comments shared could only come from a personal knowledge of [my sister], which means [staff] have spent time with her and have built a loving, caring relationship with her.

For these reasons, I am more grateful than I can say.


Peg (sister)

* * *

If you are a friend or family member who would like to share your own testimonial with others, please let us know.

Courtesy…a lost art? Not at St. Anne’s

Picture1If you sit in the St. Anne’s resident dining room at mealtime, you see quite a bit: people eating their meals and maybe even enjoying a conversation with table-mates.  If you have the front door in view, you also may notice our “automatic door system,” as we sometimes have jokingly called it.  Actually, we don’t have electronic doors to the dining room, but the alternative offered here is much better, anyway; that is human courtesy.  When staff or other able-bodied residents see a person with a walker or other impediment getting up from the table to leave, some are quick to “beat them to the door,” which they hold open until the person is through.

In the course of a meal, one sees this again and again.  Today, there is often talk about how good manners, courtesy, and other practices of human decency have greatly diminished from the way things once were.  However, time spent in the dining room here can rekindle in one a sense that courtesy is still alive and well.

This is not to say that we are all perfect or show the utmost courtesy and respect at all times; it is easy to follow one’s own agenda rather than patiently wait a little.  Therefore, might we consider a few tips for being courteous:

  • Simply smile: It’s free, costs you no time, and actually may be physically beneficial to you, not to mention cheering up the recipient.  (See our article on the topic.)
  • Be polite in speech: Use please, thank you, and other kind words as well as a kind tone of voice.
  • Hold the door for others, especially those who have mobility issues: it won’t cost you more than a few seconds but speaks volumes, saying “You are worthwhile!”
  • If someone looks or sounds like they’re having a tough day or are lonely, stop and visit with them, showing you care.
  • If you meet someone in the hall and they are a bit slower than you, rather than cut in front of them, stop and wait, even engage them in conversation while doing so.

This Little Piggy went to market…August is Foot Health Month


Having healthy feet is very important…Have you ever had an ingrown toenail and know how much it hurts? Recently I have been dealing with a little discomfort from a toenail that seems to have a mind of its own. I’ve had to give it a little TLC and have gotten a little help with it.

At St. Anne’s, our residents have staff who help them look after their “little piggies” (a.k.a. toes and feet) which we all depend upon, whether we’re out and about or we’ve “stayed home,” as the old nursery rhyme says.

Also, every two months, nurses come in from the Senior Center to provide foot care for those who wish to have their services, especially residents from our low-rent housing apartments.

Since August is Foot Health Month, I decided to take this opportunity to offer tips to keep your feet happy and healthy.

According to an “Everyday Health article on this topic, “good hygiene, self-examinations, and properly fitting shoes” are important considerations. More specifically, the article recommends keeping your feet clean and dry. When you take a bath or shower, don’t forget to clean your feet with soap and water; afterward, dry them well, they suggest. This helps prevent fungal growth. A weekly self-examination, in which you check for scaling or pealing, nail discoloration, is recommended. If you’re diabetic (as many of our residents are), a more frequent check is suggested.

Another suggestion regards proper toenail trimming. The above-mentioned article suggests cutting nails straight across and not trimming too close to the skin. Also, when using public shower facilities, such as at a pool, one should wear shoes to protect feet from contagious fungi.

One surprising fact that this article shared is that wearing socks is actually healthy as they help absorb sweat, preventing a breeding ground for bacteria. Breathable footwear is also recommended.

Another site offered some more interesting advice about socks: Avoid loose or tight fitting socks; they should not be excessively loose (causing friction leading to blisters) or tight (harming circulation).  Although advising use of lotion on feet, they warned against putting it between the toes as trapped moisture can foster fungal growth.

If you follow these tips and take good care of your feet, these “little piggies” should serve you well, whether you are at home or go to market.

Sr. Christina M. Neumann


Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears….

You’re probably not Romans, and we certainly don’t need you to lend us any ears of corn, although some of us enjoyed quoting this Shakespearean exhortation this afternoon as we cut many, many kernels of corn off the cobs.

We are opening it up to a guessing contest for our residents to guess how many ears we husked today.  You are welcome to guess also via email or a comment here.  I’ll post the results later in the week.

Well…here are the results…

We husked 1,100 ears of corn yesterday!


corn husking
Maybe we don’t look too enthused, but it’s really not a bad time!

Each year, the Jean Wald family plants a section of land especially for St. Anne’s. Then, in mid-August, they call or stop by and say “We’ll be bringing corn in on Monday.” We say, “Okay, we’ll be ready. Thank you!”

Thus begins “corn-party” time. We usually have at least two such parties each summer, during which residents and staff husk, de-silk, and bag large amounts of fresh corn. This year, we estimate that our first Wald corn party yielded 720 ears, about 60 lbs. of which we cut off the cob for easier storing and eating.

While we were doing this, a number of “corny” jokes were circulating between us. I will share a couple of the better ones, sparing you the ones that would only make you groan.

Why was the farmer famous?

            He was out-standing in his field.

Why was the farmer so mean?

            He took the ears right off the corn.

During the course of the husking, we also discussed possible alternative uses for the corn and its husks, including making moonshine and drying out the cobs for corn-cob pipes. Fortunately, the police do not need to be notified since none of these propositions materialized.

The Walds are bringing another truckload this coming Monday so the partying will continue. We very much appreciate their generosity.

Peachy Keen…health benefits of this fabulous fruit

In the last month or so, we have been blessed with at least two large donations of fresh peaches here at St. Anne’s! As Sisters in our community are accustomed to saying: “May God reward the generous givers!”

Inspired by this delicious treat, I thought it would be just “peachy keen” to give you the ‘scoop’ on the health benefits derived from this “stone fruit,” the peach. Other stone fruits include apricots, plums, and cherries.

According to Medical News Today, fruits from this class work well against diabetes, metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular disease. This source also shared study results that they may reduce bad cholesterol.

Peaches can also lessen one’s risk of cancer. Being a good source of vitamin C, also makes peaches good fro fighting developments known to cause cancer. This vitamin C can also improve skin texture, fight sun damage to skin, and (along with the fiber, potassium, and choline in peaches) is good for your heart. This source also shared that, like other fruits and vegetables, peaches provide high fiber which can lower risk of colorectal cancer. actually offers some very interesting facts about how peaches can even help you lose weight. A peach only has 35-50 calories (another estimate was higher). “A peach makes you feel full and keeps you from overeating.” Furthermore, peaches reduce hair loss and help the scalp. further notes that peaches can calm an upset stomach, cleanse kidneys and bladder, and even reduce stress.

This is the best time of year for buying these Chinese natives, according to Medical News Today. Along with eating them by themselves, this article offers the idea of making smoothies, adding a few slices of frozen peaches. lists several vitamins found in peaches: Vitamin A (for healthy vision), Vitamin C are the leaders, though this fruit is also a source of vitamins E, B-6, and K, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, folate and pantothenic acid. offers still more benefits, adding that they protect vision, and improve cardiovascular health.

A beautiful place…St. Anne’s Chapel

Here at St. Anne’s we offer many beneficial services to our residents, including, but not limited to, nourishing meals, medication supervision, rides to appointments, and engaging activities. Another benefit we offer, which several take advantage of, is our St. Anne’s Chapel. Here, residents and visitors alike gather for daily rosary and Mass. We are blessed by priests from the area who so graciously provide the opportunity for our people to take part in the liturgy daily, where they otherwise would miss out.

Some of our residents also take part in another opportunity available in the chapel; that is, Eucharistic Adoration. Most of them are not able to drive, and yet they are able to come visit our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. A few of our people actually have committed to taking hours of Adoration during the week.

The hour before Holy Mass each day is covered, in fact, by our residents, who come for quiet prayer and then recite the rosary together at 8:30 a.m.

St. Anne’s Adoration program benefits outsiders as well; in fact, they are the ones who make it possible to maintain Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, which St. Anne’s currently has weekly Monday through Friday.

Through this program, St. Anne’s residents and members of the greater Grand Forks community are given a wonderful opportunity; that is, to sit ‘face-to-face’ with Jesus, who is with us through His Eucharistic presence and visit with Him praying for their needs and those of the world.

In order to maintain Eucharistic Adoration, out of reverence for our Lord (and never leave Him unattended there in the Eucharist), St. Anne’s Adoration committee is striving to have two people signed up for every hour when there is Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. There are some hours which they are struggling to fill (See below).

If you would like to take advantage of the wonderful opportunity available at St. Anne’s, and schedule a weekly intimate visit with Our Lord, please see below for contact information.  To view testimonies from others who have found rich benefits in their time of quiet prayer here, visit the testimonials page.

We are grateful to have a beautiful place, the Chapel at St. Anne’s, where we can do this.

To sign up, call Gale O’Neill at (701) 610-0102 or visit: .

Looking forward to ‘St. Anne’s Week’

St. Anne's Week
Last year’s Sports Day

Soon we’ll be kicking off our annual week of festivities in celebration of our patron saint, that is St. Anne, the mother of Mary and Jesus’ grandmother!

I say “kicking off’ because the dress up theme for the start of the week is ‘Sports Day.’  Each day will have a dress up theme, an act of kindness, and a trivia question.  Prizes will be awarded, probably at our celebration day on Monday, July 27.

So if you stop by St. Anne’s and notice people being especially kind, or dressed kind of goofy, you’ll know why.  If you plan ahead, you can even take part yourself – take a look in your closet.

The schedule is as follows:
Monday, July 20 ~ Sports Day
Tuesday, July 21 ~ Western Day
Wednesday, July 22 ~ Wacky Hair / Hat Day
Thursday, July 23 ~ Miss-Match Day
Friday, July 24 ~ Bedtime Day
Wear blue for St. Anne’s
Saturday, July 25 ~ Patriotic (Red, White & Blue) Day
Sunday, July 26 ~ Dress-up Day
Monday, July 27 ~ Wear blue for St. Anne’s

“Street Dance” ~ Sunday, July 26 ~ 7 p.m.
Our residents will be invited to gather on our patio for some music

St. Anne’s Day Party ~ Monday, July 27 – 2 p.m.

We’re looking forward to a fun week!