Don’t Be Blue! Memoirs from our Life at St. Anne’s

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThis morning one of our residents made me chuckle.  He came to the reception desk where I was working and asked for his daily pop money.

For a few of our residents, we take money out of their trust accounts and keep the quarters in a little pouch designated with their name.  At night, we lock up the pouches for safe keeping.  The residents come, then, once or twice a day to get quarters to use in the pop machines.  This way, we can help them budget their money and they don’t have to keep so much in their rooms.

Although each pouch is labeled with the resident’s name, remembering each one’s color is easier than looking closely every time to read the name.

The above-mentioned resident has his quarters in a blue pouch. In the past, reminding myself of the color, I’ve said to him in fun: “Don’t be blue!”  This little phrase has kind of stuck, even on him.  This morning when he, himself, said to me: “Don’t be blue!”, it tickled my funny bone.

I’m glad we can laugh at the little things around here and enjoy some humor  As our little slogan goes, “it’s great to be alive at St. Anne’s!”

Sr. Christina M. Neumann

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