“Remembrance Day”


Shelly Mack, Activity Director

This program was started by a former resident, Lori Natoli, and myself.

Lori had planned to go to Norman’s Funeral Home for a similar program, but due to inclement weather, she missed it.

Together, we decided , “let’s make a decoration that we can adorn with the names of both living and deceased individuals.”

We decided to read the names out load, share a memory or two, and sing Christmas songs, celebrating those we love.

The program went so well that it has become a Christmas tradition.  Over the years, we have made decorations of hearts, doves, etc.  This year we have angels that will hang by tour tree in the Activity Room.

This Friday morning, we will gather to honor, remember, and pray for those we love who have gone before us.

Residents will enjoy homemade gingerbread heart cookies as we hold those dear to us close to our hearts.

One Reply to ““Remembrance Day””

  1. That is nice that people will be remembered. Sad that some are thrown to the curb when they are no longer in the picture.
    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all

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