We are offering a series of workshops for seniors and their caregivers here at St. Anne’s.
The first session, “Don’t Lose your mind: How to keep sharp as you age,” will be held at St. Anne’s Living Center on Thursday, Nov. 3rd at 2 p.m. Refreshments and discussion will follow.
Join us Thursday to learn about:
What can cause me or my loved one to be “less sharp”?
What warning signs should I look for?
What can I do about it?
The next session is scheduled for Thursday, November 17th, also at 2 p.m., and will go into greater detail on preventative measures you can take to help keep yourself (or someone you care for) sharp.
Contact Sr. Christina at 701-746-9401 or email contact@stannesguesthome.org for more information.
Further topics and dates to be announced.
Everyone is welcome for this free series. Come as you are able – there is no commitment to attend the entire series.